The Millennials: A generation of war looks to the future

The first millennials were born in 1980, the same year the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. This generation of Afghans has only known war, but is also better educated than any prior generation and represents the country’s future. Correspondent Jean MacKenzie, who lives and works in Afghanistan, profiles millennials in politics, business, education and the arts to understand the legacy of conflict and hope for a stronger society.

To read the individual stories of some of Afghanistan’s brightest, visit

  1. Actually the better educated generation was the generation prior to 1980s – parents of those who were born in 1980s. Soviets, Germans, USA were helping Afghanistan in many aspects of life. Many Afghan people 50 years ago were educated in USSR, Germany,.. and in their local universities built with help of these countries. The quality of education was much-much higher than that of starting with late 80s and nowadays. New generation is better only in internet, but they are weak to solve global social, economical, and other problems.

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