Halawet El Jibn (Sweet Cheese Rolls) Rolls of soft, sweet cheese dough get stuffed with clotted cream and...
May 01, 2016Recipe: Warbat bil ishta (Syrian sweet cream puffs)
A huge range of desserts from Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine and Jordan use sweet cream, or ishta, whether...
May 01, 2016Recipe: Shakriyyeh (Chicken with rice and yogurt)
Shakriyyeh is usually made with lamb shank, but many prefer a lighter version of the yogurt-based dish made...
Apr 05, 2016Recipe: Saffarjaliyya (Aleppo Quince and Lamb Stew)
Adapted from Anissa Helou’s Levant: Recipes and Memories from the Middle East. Serves 6. Saffarjaliyya, a tangy stew...
Mar 16, 2016Syrian food is the connection to my family’s homeland
My parents are from Syria. My grandparents are from Syria. My Syrian heritage stretches back centuries. But I...
Mar 15, 2016From Syria with baklava
When Ahmed and Rashed moved to Istanbul to escape the war in Syria, they never thought it would...
Mar 15, 2016