Less than a mile from where I grew up north of Boston, Connors Farm hosts a popular 7-acre...
Nov 27, 2024Building trust: How a Photojournalist captures the nuances of unhoused people
When you look at a photograph, you are essentially looking through the eyes of the photographer as they...
Oct 09, 2024The personal and community allure of “the third place”
Photojournalists often will move kinetically through a scene. Like a postmodern dancer interpreting society’s hunger for visual stimuli,...
Sep 06, 2024Farm life, through the eyes of a farmer
Far removed from the harsh glare of supermarket aisles, a gentle light permeates Emily Kenny’s photographs of farm...
Aug 16, 2024In these times, why punk is making a comeback
When you look at KT Kanazawich’s photojournalism, it is defined by intimacy, as if you were invited into...
Jul 12, 2024Seeing industrial pollution through a journalist’s lens
The pollutants produced by extractive industries are often measured in parts per billion. Not something you can photograph...
May 24, 2024A lens on the meaning of People’s Park
Covering controversial issues as a journalist often means that your subjects are going to pressure you to see...
Apr 05, 2024Refocusing the perception of a community through photography
The question of how to engage audiences with news, especially local news, looms large in journalist’s minds these...
Mar 01, 2024A community’s story through the eyes of their residents
In photography as in life, a person’s eyes are intensely communicative. Photographers look for eyes, expressive faces, how...
Jan 12, 2024A war of images: a record of America’s dissonance in Afghanistan
For most Americans, an understanding of the war’s end in Afghanistan came through the pictures they saw. Afghans...
Sep 10, 2021