In times of conflict, The GroundTruth Project stands firmly committed to the highest standards of journalism and calls for the protection of press freedom and all innocent civilians. The Israel-Hamas war has once again underscored the crucial role that journalists need to play in providing accurate and impartial information to the world.
As the situation unfolds in the region, it is paramount that journalists are allowed to carry out their duties to report truthfully, without fear of violence or censorship. Informed and open dialogue and accountability are essential for understanding and resolving the complexities of this or any other conflict. Without a free press, the world would be left in the dark, unable to comprehend the experiences and perspectives of those affected by the violence on all sides.
Our thoughts are with all those affected by the Israel-Hamas war, especially our own network of journalists, our staff and our board, and their respective families. We hope for and work toward a future where journalism can thrive, press freedom is upheld, and where the safety and well-being of civilians are respected.
— The GroundTruth Project, home to Report for America and Report for the World