Donate to GroundTruth and get a photo book in appreciation

GroundTruth Fellow Johnny Wu photographs a fisherman on a boat in Inle Lake, Southern Shan State, Myanmar. (Natalie Keyssar/GroundTruth)

Help GroundTruth continue its mission of supporting emerging journalists report on the most pressing issues of their time.

For your contribution of $150 or more, we will thank the first 20 people to make a donation at this level with the gift of our photo book, A New Light.

It curates the photographic highlights from our emerging photojournalists. (See the gallery below for a sample of the photography.)

Every donor enables us to underwrite fellowships, special projects, and the distribution of the most important stories of our day.

You can support The GroundTruth Project by using PayPal or credit card.  (When you donate through PayPal, we’ll send you a follow up email to confirm a mailing address to deliver the book.)

If you prefer, you can mail your contribution:

The GroundTruth Project

10 Guest Street Boston, MA 02135


Checks should be made out to: The GroundTruth Project.

The GroundTruth Project is a 501(c)(3) organization. Our non-profit Tax ID number is 46-0908502.

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