Although local journalism is going through a time of crisis, it has never been more important for our democracy. Holding our leaders accountable and reporting on issues that matter to communities helps to hold America together. To do that, we need reporters with a passion for service and a commitment to finding and telling the stories of underserved communities across the country.
Do you want to join the movement? Apply to Report for America. The deadline for applications is Feb. 8.
Report for America, which The GroundTruth Project launched in January of 2018, is now accepting applications for its 2019 corps members. We’ll place more than 50 reporters in newsrooms all over the country starting in June to cover underserved beats or communities for a minimum of one year. Corps members receive a full salary and benefits as well as continuing support and training from The GroundTruth Project, its partners and the local news organizations themselves.
If you want to learn more, and to apply, click here.