The Eleventh Hour

After four years of fighting, 20 million soldiers and civilians dead, and three collapsed empires, World War One ended, and a new world order emerged. But the armistice held only temporarily, and the promise to end all wars was repeatedly broken over the last 100 years.

Charles Sennott has been tracing how this war is the source of so many modern conflicts, many of them he’s covered as a correspondent over the last three decades. We look at the circumstances that led to that war, and how those circumstances are eerily similar to today.

You can hear the podcast here or on Apple PodcastsStitcherRadioPublic and other podcasting apps.

The Great War left a powerful imprint in history. Read more about the songs and poems it inspired, the hidden figures that reported on the events and the consequences of the decisions taken by the victors.

Also, you can find our previous episode here

Essential funding for this project was provided by Knight Foundation, Further Forward Foundation, Ethics & Excellence in Journalism Foundation, Solutions Journalism Network and The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Additional funding was provided by Mass Humanities and WGBH News. Additional support was provided by the Bake Family Trust, Spring Point Partners, Kings and Feinberg Hanson LLP.

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