COP21: Paris at a Crossroads

Place de la republique in Paris

Paris today is at the center of a global crossroads where two narratives converge. One is a narrative of violence and terror that seeks to divide the world and incite a global conflict. The other is a narrative of hope that seeks to bring the world together to confront a global security threat that military and government leaders say looms larger than terrorism: the impact of climate change.

A question looms over this 21st gathering of world leaders on climate change, known as the Conference of Parties, or COP21, which gets underway next Monday as world leaders take the podium. The question is: how will the terrorist attacks impact this historic opportunity for a global commitment to reducing greenhouse emissions?

Read more about what the future holds for the city and the climate talks at The Huffington Post, and listen to our discussion on WGBH’s Boston Public Radio.


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