Editor's note: Originally published in Foreign Policy, this dispatch by Democracy Undone Fellow Soumya Shankar explores another aspect...
Oct 30, 2019Series overview: Why many in Central Appalachia lack reliable, clean water
EDITOR'S NOTE: The U.N. defines access to clean water as a basic human right. A team of emerging...
Dec 16, 2018Floyd Central High School (KY)
Floyd Central High School (KY): Student Stories Floyd Central High School cheerleaders raise their pom-poms into a heart...
Jan 12, 2018High School of Commerce (MA)
High School of Commerce (MA): Student Stories A student is reflected in a poster showing the student faces...
Jan 12, 2018Montana
Montana: Introduction Montana is the fourth of five reporting legs for Crossing the Divide. People are shaped by...
Nov 07, 2017Minnesota
Minnesota: Introduction Minnesota is the third of five reporting legs of Crossing the Divide. Minnesota is home to...
Oct 27, 2017Kentucky
Kentucky: Introduction Kentucky is the second of five reporting legs of Crossing the Divide. In the heart of...
Oct 11, 2017The Team
The Team: 5 reporters, 2 field producers, 1 van Back row: Mahlia Posey, Eric Bosco, Gabriel Sanchez, Rachel...
Sep 16, 2017Massachusetts
Massachusetts: Introduction Massachusetts is the first of five reporting legs of Crossing the Divide. Massachusetts ranks number one...
Sep 16, 2017