Hannah Ingber YANGON, Myanmar — Last month, Myanmar soldiers entered a village in war-torn Kachin State and found...
Jun 20, 2012Profiles in Courage: Myanmar’s other female leaders
Hannah Ingber Aung San Suu Kyi will be in Norway this weekend to receive the Nobel Peace Prize...
Jun 15, 2012What to expect from Egypt’s presidential election
It is unwise to try to predict anything in Egypt these days, but there are several safe assumptions...
May 23, 2012Christians in Egypt: A storm within the storm
By Lauren Bohn and Omnia Al Desoukie CAIRO – With fluffy beige pillows propped behind her still recovering back,...
May 23, 2012Egyptian women challenge rights abuses, militarization
CAIRO — It was the middle of the night in Cairo when Ragia Omran, one of the country’s most...
May 22, 2012Egypt’s new president to face huge decision on military’s role
By Eric Cunningham CAIRO, Egypt – Egyptians are headed to the polls in a historic election to choose...
May 22, 2012Are the drones working in Yemen?
BY. CASEY COOMBS SANAA, Yemen — When a young suicide bomber, disguised in combat gear, blew himself up...
May 22, 2012Military tribunals: A continuing crackdown on Egypt’s revolution
CAIRO — Before the pro-democracy movement’s demonstrations swelled the streets of this city and ousted President Hosni Mubarak,...
Jan 22, 2012The money behind the Egyptian military
CAIRO – One year into Egypt’s unfinished revolution, fateful questions loom here in the most populous nation in...
Jan 22, 2012Egypt’s forgotten revolutionaries
Editor’s note: Concern is mounting in Egypt that the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) will not...
Jan 16, 2012